Full-Stack Software Developer specializing in Java, JavaScript, C++ as well as RDBMS tools such as SQL & Firebase
Bachelors of Computer Science (Honors)
Conestoga College
Recent Projects
Lately my personal projects revolve around Data Analysis via web scraping.
My latest program scrapes e-Sport team data and makes predictions about who will win in head-head matchups.
Web Development
HTML/CSS/JS on the website you are currently viewing.
Experienced in writing RESTFul API's using the CROW framework in C++.
Mobile App Development
ReactJS & Android OS Developer.
Introduction To Database Systems - 91% (4.00 GPA)
Learned how to design databases using Entity-Relationship Diagrams.
Learned advanced SQL query techniques
Created SQL databases in MySQL
Course Work and Grades
Systems Analysis & Design - 83% (3.75 GPA)
Wrote and implemented user stories via Agile Sprints.
Created database schemas using Noun Technique analysis
Contact Me
+1 226-888-5159